Why people smoke weed?

+35 votes
asked Jul 10, 2018 in Culture & Society by ryann (1,020 points)
edited Apr 10, 2019
With the United States legalizing marijuana in certain parts of the county, there has been considerable backlash regarding the drug. Why do people smoke weed? Is it something that they do for fun, or is it something that they do for their health? With so many questions and not enough answers trying to get to the bottom of why people smoke weed may help us uncover the reasons behind its use and popularity.

2 Answers

+11 votes
answered Sep 20, 2018 by Anastasia (790 points)
edited Oct 23, 2018
There are a majority of reasons that people smoke weed. As far back as history goes, marijuana has been something that has been used for medicinal purposes, religious purposes, as well as recreational purposes. But why do people smoke weed in today’s society?

The reality is that things haven’t changed much. Marijuana is still used for medicinal purposes to relieve things such as stress and anxiety and it has even gained popularity in the treatment of cancer and other neurological disorders. It seems that the most popular opinion is that marijuana in general makes a person feel more relaxed and in some cultures it is not considered taboo to use the drug. Weed is considered more of a recreation drug and most people don’t feel that there is a need to worry about the addiction to the drug. It also seems to carry a very low harm tolerance as compared to other types of street drugs or prescription drugs.
+10 votes
answered Dec 24, 2018 by salil (1,290 points)
edited Jan 2, 2019
With main stream pop culture making marijuana more and more popular, many of us are left wondering why people smoke weed. Some will say that it’s just to relax while others use the drug as a crutch for certain mental illnesses. The reality is that marijuana is a drug and in most cases illegal. It leaves you with an altered state of mind because of the THC that is contained in it. When a person smokes weed the THC is quickly transferred to a persons bloodstream. Once it’s there it travels to the brain where the mind altering effects are almost immediately felt. The effects can last for roughly one hour. This typically leads to a completely altered sense of time and at times reality. The long term effects of marijuana are worse in that they can actually affect the use of long term memory and basic thinking skills.
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